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Cub Scout Pack 59
(Allendale, New Jersey)
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NEW SCOUTS Registration

Joining Cub Scouts is easy.
Contact Stephanie Cortright, our registrar. There are a several forms that will need to be filled out when joining and will be sent to you.

1. Registration form - this is very basic information: the name of the scout, the guardian, address, phone, number and email.  There is a $75 registration fee that should be included with the registration form.  The check can be made payable to Allendale Pack 59.
2. Medical form - parts A and B need to be filled out annually.  Part A is inquires about the health history of the scout and any medications they may be on.  Part B is a release form.
3. Child Release Permit - this forms provides the Den leader with a list of people in whose care the scout can be released.
4. BSA Youth application form - this is the official Boys Scouts of America application which is sent to BSA to formally register the Cub Scout with the Boy Scout organization.

Upon completing the membership forms, please send to:
Stephanie Cortright
Cub Scout Membership
220 East Allendale Ave
Allendale, NJ, 07401

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2015bsamedicalform (1).pdf Medical Forms  
Activity Consent Form.pdf Activity Consent Form  
BSA Adult Application .pdf  
BSA Youth Application.pdf  


Returning Scouts only need to fill out 2 forms on an annual basis:

1. Medical form - parts A and B need to be filled out annually.  Part A is inquires about the health history of the scout and any medications they may be on.  Part B is a release form.

2. Child Release Permit - this forms provides the Den leader with a list of people in whose care the scout can be released.  The Den leader should be made aware immediately of any changes made to whose care the scout can be released.

These forms should be sent to Stephanie Cortright along with a $75 check that can be made payable to Pack 59 Allendale to the following address:


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2015bsamedicalform (1).pdf Re Submit Medical forms for any changes  


The Cub Scout organization is made up of the people who join the scouts.  We are lucky in that we have access to Boy Scout of America facilities, but the time and energy that goes into running the scouting events has to come from the members within our Pack.  Events cannot be run without the participation of the scouts and their parents.  We ask that Scout families volunteer in at least 3 events per year.  Each event has a chair (leader) who runs the event.  Co-chairs are asked to help for the first year with the expectation that they become the chair the following year after "learning the ropes".  Each event has several Committee members to help as well.  Sign ups for volunteering for an upcoming year are done in May.  Newer scout families can volunteer in September but all events have leaders who can be contacted at anytime.   Thanks for your participation.  Scout events are fun, healthy activities that families can enjoy together.
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BSA Adult Application .pdf